Hungarian Cabbage Soup: How To Quickly Make The Different Recipes

Hungry? Want a healthy and delicious dish to enjoy? Well, this delightful recipe is a good choice to ease that rumbling tummy! Hungarian cabbage soup is one of the most popular Polish, Slovak, and Ukrainian recipes, but many countries around the world have adopted it too. Obviously, our recipe today is from Hungary. It is not too late for you to learn this dish, especially as this is the best cure for a hungry tummy!

Hungarian Cabbage Soup coming right up!


Hungarian Cabbage Soup

Did You Know?

In Ukraine, cabbage soup is served as the main dish at weddings, wakes, and funerals, while in Slovakia, it is served during Christmas dinner.

How Do You Make A Hungarian Cabbage Soup?

Hungarian cabbage soup is sometimes called “Polish soup”. It is best served on winter days, it really warms up your belly and gives you a satisfying hearty meal.

When searched for details about it, I found out that they use the green kind of common cabbage. Try to make one yourself and I promise that you will be glad you did.

For a basic Hungarian Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup, here are the ingredients and directions!


  • 2 1/2 lbs. beef, it would be great to find the kind with bones.
  • 1 cup of minced onion – the recipe calls for yellow onion, but I think you can use any kind.
  • 2 huge garlic cloves, crushed.
  • 2 tbsps. of paprika (it should be Hungarian, but there are a lot of substitutes if you don’t have it).
  • 1 1/2 tbsps. of caraway seeds or a substitute.
  • 8 cups of beef broth (or simple water will do).
  • 5 cups chopped tomatoes from a can, do not drain the juice.
  • 1 1/2 lbs. cabbage, finely chopped (green is commonly used, but you can try whatever kind you like).
  • 1 lb. of apples cut into small pieces (take out the seeds and core).
  • 2 tsps. of refined sugar.
  • 4 huge bay leaves.
  • 2 tbsps. of thyme leaves (4 – 6 sprigs).
  • 1/4 cup of squeezed lemon juice.
  • 2 tsps. of salt.
  • 1 tsp. of black pepper, finely ground.

How To Make It? Here Are The Steps For A Yummy Cabbage Soup!

  1. In your pan, sauté the onion and garlic together.
  2. Take it out when you can smell the aroma of the garlic and the onion is transparent, and then set it aside.
  3. Put the beef in the same pan and keep on stirring until the color is nearly brown.
  4. Put the beef at the side of the pan, then add paprika, followed by the caraway seeds and cook them a short while, just to let them toast a bit.
  5. Put the garlic and the onions back, along with the rest of the cooking ingredients, but leave the squeezed juice and seasonings.
  6. Bring them to the boil, reduce the heat and continue cooking for at least one and a half hours until the veggies are tender and tasty.
  7. When you notice that the liquid has reduced, top it up to make sure it contains the same volume of liquid as when you started. Continue cooking.
  8. Add in the seasonings when the cooking is almost done.
  9. You can season according to your taste.
  10. Take out the bones and chop up the meat, then put it back inside the pot.

Simple right? How did it go? Hungarian cabbage soup is perfect for a hearty family meal. It is best to share it. The soup will taste great with the meat broth and vegetables.

Other Delicious Twists On Hungarian Cabbage Soup

1. Hungarian Stuffed Cabbage Rolls

Hungarian stuffed cabbage rolls is a shared recipe by a blogger who made this soup as a traditional family recipe. The blogger was originally from Hungary, so it has a tinge of sentimentality about it. What a treat and delight for your taste buds!

The cabbage is stuffed with ground meat and then other veggies are put into the pot. The taste is so great; you will feel like you are eating dinner in a restaurant on a cold winter’s day.

Video instructions for Hungarian stuffed cabbage rolls:

2. Traditional Hungarian Goulash Soup

If you are having a hard time trying to pronounce “goulash” like me, then this is how you do it. It’s Goo-lazh. This recipe is one of the most popular in Hungary, with its unique taste of paprika, salt, pepper, and POTATO!!! I bet this is a request for both young and old as this is a favorite of everyone.

Video instructions for Traditional Hungarian goulash soup:

3. Hungarian Cabbage And Meatball Soup

Imagine the taste of this basic sweet and sour cabbage soup but with meatballs in it, instead of beef? The beef has been replaced by sour cream, meatballs and beef stock. The person who thought up this recipe was definitely craving a unique taste!

Check This Recipe!

Video instructions for Hungarian cabbage and meatball soup:

4. Hungarian Spiced Beef And Cabbage Soup

Now that we’ve tried the sweet and sour recipe, the traditional one, the stuffed one, and the recipe with meatballs, let’s add a kick to make it spicy! Who wants to try a spicy soup? This has a lot of paprika in it, so it’s sure to keep you wide awake while eating. Up for the challenge? Whoever thought of putting in this much paprika into such a peaceful hearty meal?

Check This Recipe!

Video instructions for Hungarian spiced beef and cabbage soup:

The Benefits Of Hungarian Cabbage Soup

  • Cost
    Hungarian cabbage soup is very economical to prepare and the cabbage makes you instantly full. If you are on a tight budget, this delicious and hearty meal is ideal. You can also add more ingredients if you like. It is said that this soup was a common comfort for Russian peasants.
  • Health
    Cabbage is packed with nutrients, therefore eating cabbage soup can offer you a lot of health benefits. Just a cup of cabbage will cover your recommended intake of vitamins and fibers for a whole day supplement.
  • Weight Loss Benefits
    This is a kind of food that helps us to lose weight. Try to check some of the diet programs and you’ll find that cabbage soup is a regular on their list.

So how was it for you? We have just learned about several recipe twists on the basic Hungarian cabbage soup recipe. It is really wonderful how people’s creativity with food seems to be endless!

I am expecting some more new and original recipes from you! Make sure that you share this and tell your cooking friends and family about how to make the Hungarian cabbage soup recipe! Have fun!